[Basic Function] MPSET MPSET == pc, npc, room, dir or obj // OBJ not implemented yet. == Either a player, mobile or room #. == This is the field that you are changing. == Either a number, on | off, string of words, direction (for exits), or name. == Used mainly for number adjustments. Using the + and - specifiers you can increase or decrease the number value of the victim (or room's) current value. If you omit the + or - you will make that field the number. [Example] Fido has 20 hitpoints out of 40. MPSET npc fido hit 35 // Resets Fido's hitpoints to 35. MPSET npc fido hit 15 + // Adds 15 to the 20 making 35. MPSET npc fido hit 15 - // Subtracts 15 from 20 setting Fido's hitpoints to 5. [Examples] MPSET pc $r title is a really fun guy! // Set's PC $r's title to 'is a really fun guy!' MPSET room 3001 dark on // Turns Room Flag 'Dark' ON for room 3001. MPSET room 3005 ice on // Switches Sector Type in Room 3005 to Ice. MPSET dir 3005 isdoor north // Creates a door at North Exit of Room 3005. MPSET npc fido hitroll 20 + // Adds 20 to Fido's HITRoll MPSET npc fido damroll 30 - // Subtrances 30 from Fido's DAMRoll MPSET npc fido hoarde on // Turns EQ_Hoarde ON for Fido. MPSET npc $n evilscav on // Turns EvilScavenger ON for $n. ...you should get the picture by now... [Sample MobProg] >all_greet_prog 100~ if isimmort($n) or ismist($n) or spectral($n) or isform($n) or isnpc($n) break else if inroom($i) == 3005 MPSET dir here locked north MPSET dir here locked west MPSET dir here locked east MPSET dir here locked south MPECHO You hear the reverberating sound of doors locking all around you. if rand(50) MPAT 3030 MPMLOAD 3067 MPAT 3030 MPSET npc agent hunter on MPAT 3030 MPSET npc agent memoryname $n MPAT 3030 MPSET npc agent sentinel off MPAT 3030 MPSET npc agent stayzone off MPAT 3030 MPFORCE agent shout You shouldn't have messed with me, $n!!! endif endif endif ~ Do make sure you specify the ENTIRE statement correctly and with perfect accuracy. Don't leave fields empty or use the wrong argument in them - could produce strange or unforseen results. MPSET [ROOM] dark death nomob indoors hostile norecall nosummon nomagic tunnel private godroom nocamp hot cold tp nokill notrack noexit noenter crashproof noform tunnelpc <+ / -> tunnelnpc <+ / -> hostileno <+ / -> hostilesize <+ / -> hostilemsg lighting <+ / -> inside city field forest hills mountain waterswim waternoswim underwater underwaterdeep bottomless vertical ice MPSET [DIR] nodoor isdoor pickproof mediumpick hardpick secret closed locked nopeek noflee nopass rotate keyword(s) keynumber MPSET [PC] class clan thief quest <+ / -> bank <+ / -> pkiller title stradd <+ / -> userid poofin // IMM ONLY poofout // IMM ONLY rerolls <+ / -> summon hunger <+ / -> thirst <+ / -> MPSET [PC | NPC] strength <+ / -> gold <+ / -> name age <+ / -> align <+ / -> experience <+ / -> maxhit maxmana maxmove hitroll <+ / -> mana <+ / -> move <+ / -> position master follower int <+ / -> wis <+ / -> dex <+ / -> con <+ / -> sex drunk <+ / -> height <+ / -> weight <+ / -> MPSET [NPC] race attacks <+ / -> attbasis <+ / -> attless <+ / -> spectype specstr <+ / -> specchance <+ / -> switch hoarde hoarderoom switchmax <+ / -> switchmsg hoardeopt aggressive stayzone wimpy aggrevil aggrgood aggrnuet helper mime nosleep unseen aware seabound mountable no_summon sentinel notrack magic nocharm scavenger nicethief hunter goldscav evilscav vengeful memory memoryname shortdesc alias ac <+ / -> hit <+ / -> damroll <+ / -> paralysis <+ / -> rod <+ / -> petri <+ / -> breath <+ / -> spell <+ / -> evilscavmsg hoardemsg barehandno <+ / -> barehandsize <+ / -> level <+ / -> The following are NOT working at the moment. Will let you know when updates are in. keyword(s) keynumber clan rerolls <+ / -> age <+ / -> experience <+ / -> master follower memoryname barehandno <+ / -> barehandsize <+ / -> level <+ / -> Secondly, when using 'MPSET dir' make sure there is an actual EXIT in the direction you are specifying. Right now I don't have any checks in to make sure, this will cause a crash if you try to make a door in a direction that doesn't lead anywhere.