SizzSo, glad strange is still around. It's really been a long least more than 10 years ago. Hope someone can help get me up and running again.
Posted over 5 years ago.
Sarah Schiffhey, can one of you gods reset my passwords? i can't remember for the life of me - made a new toon named nessa last night. elvis/ivar/fish
Posted almost 7 years ago.
Sarah Schiffwow, so different. love it. only thing is webmud auto-disconnects me - anyone else? -ivar/elvis
edit: had to switch to chrome. shurg
Posted over 8 years ago.
SeitaThanks Arma! The mud is still going. A bit quite lately because a few of us are a bit busy with real life etc.
Posted over 8 years ago.
David AdamsHey, this is awesome! How's the MUD going? This is Arma btw. Love the new site and map, that blew my mind!
Posted over 8 years ago.
SeitaNew website! Wahahahahahah!!!
Posted over 8 years ago.